How to make things easier and overcome the hesitation to get them done.
For most homeowners, doing household chores is not an enjoyable job and there are tasks that are most dreaded because they can be time consuming, tiresome and overwhelming, especially if they haven’t been cleaned for quite a while. However, you can make things a lot easier if done systematically and with the right attitude.
Toilet and Bathroom cleaning
Cleaning the bathroom for most people is the ultimate dreaded chore. Showers, sinks and bathtubs collect hair strands while tile areas accumulate molds. The toilet bowl usually needs special attention. Bath mats and floors collect dirt as well. For this assignment, you need to be mentally prepared, gather all your strength and cleaning supplies. Every area needs to be disinfected to avoid germs build up. Bear in mind that you need to keep your toilet and bathroom clean for the health and safety of your family. By dealing first with the worst areas, the other cleaning chores will become less burdensome.
Washing Clothes
Another tiresome chore, doing the laundry, can be overwhelming most especially if you get to do it only once or twice a month because of your busy schedule. Moreover, if you have a big family to keep up with, the tendency is your washer can get too worked up and eventually develop mineral deposits and foul odors and your dryer can accumulate lint which could start a fire. To prevent all these from happening, make sure to clean your washer by putting white vinegar while running it through a lukewarm cycle in order to remove the odor and deposits. Likewise, make sure your dryer lint filter is clean after every use and frequently check for proper ventilation and exhaust.
Washing the Dishes
Your dishwasher can accumulate food particles even if you clean it. Very small particles can get stuck under racks as well as in the dishwater segments so you need to remove them with a wet rag. Add 1 cup of vinegar to the dishwasher dish and put it in the top shelf. Run one cycle on hot then let it dry.
Cleaning the Light fixtures, blinds and baseboards
Cleaning your lights can also be a dreaded chore, as you have to dust them off and check if the lights are working properly. This is necessary to find out if there are burned out bulbs to throw away and needing to be replaced with new ones. Blinds can accumulate dust and if not cleaned, can cause allergies in your household. The best solution is to dust them off with a clean soft cloth on a regular basis and take them down once or twice a year and clean them with a safe cleaning solution that is exclusively for blind materials. Every time you clean the floor, make sure to clean your baseboards before layers of dust settle in, making them hard to clean.
Cleaning the gutters
Clogged up gutters may cause damage to your house. Leaves and debris buildup can eventually promote mold and mildew growth as standing in water they get stuck in your gutter. Although this chore can be hard, it is very important to prevent roof damage, interior water damage, and erosion.
You can do all these with a positive attitude, but sometimes it is still just too much. In the event that you are unable to do the heavy cleaning yourself, simply hire professional cleaning services for a cleaner and greener effect.