Why is it important to have a cleaning schedule for your office? There are several reasons to have an office cleaning schedule if you and your work colleagues hope to have a pleasant, organized, and sanitary environment in which to work. It is great if your office has professional office cleaners. and most offices do use professionals, but there are still day-to-day tasks that need to take place.
Eye appeal: while eye appeal may not seem important in the grand scheme of things, you would be surprised how important it is to have an attractive office setting for work. Coming to work every day, usually, at least five days a week, is hopefully something you enjoy doing. If your office, almost a second home, is clean and well maintained with possibly a plant or two and some attractive pictures on the walls and restrooms and breakrooms ready and sanitized for use, your workday will be much better.
Health of office personnel: It has been proven in many studies that offices that are clean and sanitary will significantly reduce the amount of illness contracted by those who work in the office. Not only will sick days be less frequent, but those with allergies who still come to work will also have fewer problems with allergies often related to dust and pollen brought in on staff shoes and clothing. Fewer sick days are not only beneficial to the workers, but it is also a bonus for the management in paying and training temporary help. The level of production is also better when workers are well.
Sanitary facilities: Sanitation has always been a desired outcome for an office setting, but since the onset of COVID l9 two years ago, sanitation has become mandatory. The germ factor must now be fought daily, something that office staff must help with even when there are professional cleaners. Restrooms and breakrooms are the two most affected areas when setting a cleaning schedule for an office.
As an office is usually made up of several people, it becomes necessary to create a cleaning schedule to be sure each person has a share in keeping the office clean, as well as making sure the cleaning tasks are done each day. Usually, one person, often a manager, will make a schedule assigning the necessary tasks among all the workers. The schedule should be simple but detailed enough to make cleaning as quick and easy as possible. There should be a printed copy of the schedule given to each worker and copies posted in plain view in various locations such as the restrooms, breakrooms, reception areas, and the copy station. It is a good idea to have a daily check box next to each cleaning job to be initialed by the worker when the job has been completed. Additionally, each worker should keep their personal work area clean, organized, and attractive.
As you can see, there are important reasons why there should be a cleaning schedule for an office even if professional cleaners come regularly. When all who work in an office share the cleaning tasks and have a good attitude toward keeping their office environment clean and sanitary, everyone will benefit.