Here are 10 tips to turn that “drag” into “brag”!
As mentioned in the closing of Part 1, there are a number of things you can do to enhance the use of a Professional cleaning service during the days between Thanksgiving and the New Year when you are celebrating and entertaining. Often there will actually be a number of occasions you will want your home and/or office ready for family and guests and being able to do your part effectively increases the chances you will be able to enjoy the festivities along with everybody else. Here are 10 tips you might want to try:
- Make a list of what you need cleaned and organized. Depending on your budget, prioritize what is easiest for you to do yourself and what you would like the professionals to do.
- Put away as many extra nick, nacks (especially breakable ones) and unnecessary odds and ends so you can have more space for holiday entertaining and better access for cleaning. You will also have less cleaning with some items put away.
- When entertaining in a home, if possible, make your pets “happy” away from the area of entertainment as unfortunately they often cause spills to happen and sometimes can even upset a guest who has allergies.
- Find a holiday fragrance such as cinnamon or vanilla you can put in boiling water to simmer while you entertain. You can also use scented candles to achieve a pleasant background scent during the festivities. Scented candles are great for office parties.
- Depending on the interests of the guests, have background music softly playing. Even normally loud and boisterous music, when played softly, can create a pleasing mood. And you don’t need a fancy stereo system to do this, a CD player will work just fine.
- Whenever it is appropriate use disposable paper and plastic products for food and beverages. Clean-up is so much simpler this way.
- Schedule your professional cleaning service as close to the time of entertaining as possible. However, remember to book ahead as the weeks between Thanksgiving and the New Year are especially busy for professional cleaners.
- Have a checklist of all you hope to accomplish, giving the “have-to” a number 1, the “hope-to” a number 2 and the “would like-to” a number 3. This will help you prioritize your schedule and be better able to share with others what they can do to help.
- In addition to getting sleep and eating well, schedule yourself at least one break every four hours. Do something fun, rest, have a snack, or chat with a friend. You will get a lot more done if you are rested and in a good frame of mind.
- Most of all, take advantage of the extra time you will have after using the services of a professional cleaning service like Cassie’s Meticulous Touch by spending more time with family, friends, and co-workers.
Hopefully these tips will help you turn your holiday cleaning chores from being a drag to being doable with time left over for fun. And remember, if you live in Ocala, Florida or surrounding areas, The Gold Star cleaning service to use is Cassie’s Meticulous Touch. You can call 1-352-216-0513 to make an appointment to discuss your holiday cleaning needs.