Office floors are a part of office care that routinely needs attention. Depending on the amount of foot traffic an office receives, along with the type of flooring and the outside environment in terms of tracking in dirt and debris, will determine how often an office floor will need to be cleaned. For example, an office in the city with pavement for the outside environment and only office employees, no customers, will need less floor maintenance and cleaning than an office on a dirt road. Too, tile floors that can be easily swept and mopped will be easier to care for than floors with industrial carpet. However, no matter the flooring situation, floors in an office must be maintained and cleaned. Some small offices will choose to handle this necessity on their own, but most offices of any size will choose to hire professionals to do the job. Sometimes, office workers can do a daily sweep or vacuum by hiring professionals as needed. Still, usually, the best option for an office is to make floor care a part of a professional’s daily duties. Hiring a professional cleaning service should be done carefully. Here are some tips to consider when choosing the right professional cleaning service for your office.
- Take your time in choosing the right service. There are usually several professional cleaning companies in an area, each promoting their expertise. Check out several, at least three, before making a selection.
- Ask other office managers who they use to clean their office and how satisfied are they with how the floors are being maintained.
- Go online and study the websites of the companies you are considering. Make a list of what you are looking for and have two columns, one for pros and one for cons. Rate each company on both pros and cons.
- Call the companies you think might do the job you are hoping for. Ask questions regarding their services, especially about their floor care techniques. Find out what cleaning products they use, making sure the company understands different floor types and what works best for each type.
- How long a company has been in successful service is important, but new companies may do an even better job as they are working to develop a followship and create a good reputation.
- Check for satisfied customers on the company’s website.
- Discuss costs related to the service.
- Find out how the company will handle problems should they arise. Will you be able to reach a “live” customer service representative, and will the problem be promptly resolved?
- Many professional cleaning companies offer a free estimate. Be sure to take advantage of this offer.
Once you have answered all your questions and found a company with the greatest number of “pros” on your evaluation list, you can make an informed decision. Clean and well-maintained floors in your office are important, so you will be glad you took the time to hire the right company to get the job done the way you want it done.