How and why dust mites are infested in your bedding and what to do to prevent this.
Dust mites are found in most every home. Mites prefer humid or warm temperatures and find your beds and bedding irresistible to live in because of the moisture, warmth, and abundant food supply beds provide. Since mites feed on skin flakes of humans and animals, they enjoy increasing their family in your bedroom, especially in your mattress.
It is estimated that human beings shed around 1/5 oz. of dead skin every single week, which is why it is really important to wash your bed and beddings to reduce the risk of dust mite infestation and cause the whole family to suffer from allergies or worse, asthma attacks. We have discussed previously that we cannot totally annihilate them, but we can reduce their number to a minimum, especially in your bedroom. You may consider these suggestions in minimizing those mites in invading your privacy.
Wash Your Bedding Regularly
Cleaning your bedding in a 60°C (140°F) washer is adequate enough to exterminate dust mites and get rid of their feces. Spin-dry the sheets and blankets in your tumble dryer until they are completely dry. The heat from your dryer will take care of those lingering mites that could have survived the wash. Make this a habit on a weekly basis to reduce the mite population.
Utilize Anti-Allergy Mattresses and Covers
Approximately, the average dust mites that thrive in a mattress vary from 100,000 to over 1,000,000. One thing is for sure, even the cleanest mattress can be infested by these microscopic pests. Consider buying a hypoallergenic mattress or, a much cheaper alternative such as an anti-allergy mattress protector or cover. The cover can act as a barricade between you and those vermin in your mattress, in order to prevent your skin from getting into their feeding area. Another benefit of the cover is it stops the allergens from creeping into your sleeping place.
Dispose of Feather Pillows/Duvets
You spend most of your sleeping time on your pillows, particularly your face resting on it. So, it is important that your pillow is comfortable, soft and allergy free. For a peaceful sleep, do not use feather pillows because they are not easy to wash and are an ideal breeding ground for mites. Consider using hypoallergenic duvets and pillows, since they are less friendly to mites, and you can wash them at 60°C (140°F) washer, which is the ideal temperature to kill those stubborn pests.
Never make your bed in the morning
We usually make our bed in the morning before going to work or having breakfast. However, what we don’t realize is that mites love a humid environment. Since they can’t take in water normally, they just absorb it via air. By not making your bed in the morning, it allows the moisture emitted from our bodies some time to dry. Give your bed cover and duvet time to have some fresh air as well. If you reduce humidity and moisture in your bed, you are actually making it difficult for dust mites to survive.
Come back again next week for the final part of our 4-part series with the topic – Dust Mites and Allergies – Air Purifying Systems.