Allergies are often a problem for many people. Particularly in the spring and fall, when trees, flowers, and weeds are busy sending pollen and seeds into the air, allergies make concentrating at work more difficult. Then add to this the usual practice of taking an antihistamine to lessen the effects of allergies, and workers are drowsy as well as congested. Although there is no 100% remedy for keeping an office allergy-free, there are cleaning techniques that will reduce the presence of allergy irritants. You can try the following:
- If it is possible, it is best to have the office professionally cleaned on a nightly basis. Professional office workers are trained in how to clean an office to lessen allergy irritants. Professionals have industrial-strength products that are odor-free. They also have lint-free cleaning materials.
- If your office is unable to have professional cleaners and the workers must do the cleaning, make sure certain steps are taken in the war against allergies. Many of the required steps are also useful in providing sanitation protection against harmful bacteria and viruses. These steps should include daily wiping all surfaces with a lint-free cloth with a disinfectant. The kind you can purchase in many stores called “disinfectant wipes” work well. Using feather dusters is a no-no. Someone should oversee a cleaning schedule to make sure the office is wiped down and floors cleaned daily. Sometimes neglected surface areas such as windowsills and tops of door frames and picture frames should be included in the daily wipe-down as these areas are great collectors of dust.
- Avoid having plants in the office that have flowers that can produce pollen. Additionally, the leaves of plants should be wiped at least once weekly to avoid the collection of dust.
- Often in today’s office environment, workers are allowed to bring pets. Since many people are allergic to pet dander, it is best to make the office (unless all workers agree otherwise) a no-pet zone.
- Have the maintenance department responsible for air-conditioning and heating units make sure these are cleaned and maintained regularly. The cleaning of vents and ducts is important too. Also, the use of hypoallergenic filters will greatly reduce allergy particles in the air.
- Encourage workers to wear little if any perfume or heavily scented aftershave.
- Provide plenty of quality tissue for noses—the cheap, rough ones will further irritate a worker’s skin.
To help workers be able to work at an optimum level both physically and mentally, it is important to provide an office environment that is sanitary and allergy-sensitive. By following the above suggestions, life in your office can be pleasant and productive.