The most often used tools in our home are often the most overlooked in the cleaning routine. It could be because we get so used to using and seeing these big devices and gadgets that we often forget that they need to be cleaned as well.
Appliances in your home often fall into two main categories, the big things we clean with and the big things we use for our food storage and cooking. Both these categories of appliances require slightly different approaches for cleaning, and individual items themselves can be tricky. Here we will go over the broad scope of cleaning some of these home appliances.
We start with the largest member of the appliance family the refrigerator. It’s an appliance that probably sees the most daily use as well. There is a myriad of ways your fridge can become messy over time. Water and fluctuating temperatures with different foods lead to moisture and ice build-up that can cause adverse smells, stagnation, or clogging of space in the freezer.
First, you’ll want to start with the smell. Most people want the cold rush of air coming out of their fridge to smell pleasant, and the most common method for providing this is baking soda in either the fridge or freezer. They sell baking soda fresheners in most grocery stores. Make sure to keep an eye out for any surfaces that need to be wiped down in case leftovers spill or packages leak. Cleaning under and in back of the fridge is also essential. You don’t have to do it often but try not to forget it in the monthly deep clean.
Your stove is the next on the list of high use and size. Now depending on the type of stove you have will determine how you clean it. Glass versus traditional metal topped stoves clean different on the tops. With the glass, you’ll want to use less abrasive materials, and you can use the heat of the stove itself carefully with more effect as well. Traditional grill top stoves require pulling the burners apart and cleaning pieces individually with steel wool. Oven cleaning is going to be about the same for most stoves. The most well-known method is oven cleaning, scrubbing, then a high heat bath of the inside. Make sure to wipe down handles, knobs, and backsplashes often even if they look glossy. Oil and food particles will stealthily cling to any surface of a stove, so vigilance and daily upkeep are recommended.
The microwave is another appliance to watch. Fortunately in this category its mostly about knowledge and prevention rather than constant upkeep. Be sure to teach yourself and the family to cover foods appropriately to prevent splashing and mess. Wiping down the inside and cleaning the inner dish should also be done, relative to how often it’s used. Don’t forget to wipe down the number pad as well for germs and gunk.
Your dishwashers tend to be another appliance that’s easy to clean and doesn’t require too much maintenance. With the dishwasher, you’ll want to watch for any large pieces of food or dishware ending up in the bottom under the rack. Also be sure to wipe down the soap port because these tend to get crusty and can break easily.
The washer and dryer are two other big appliances to watch for. With the dryer, the number one rule is to clean out the exhaust vent often and thoroughly. Make sure to clean off the lint screens and coin catchers as well. There isn’t much cleaning to do with a washing machine. Sometimes its good to run a load or two with just soap and water to clean it out a little being sure to wipe down any areas that accumulate spillage from detergents or watermarks from transferring the wet clothes out.
Keeping you appliance clean and well maintained will help give you better peace of mind about your home, a better atmosphere, and extended the life of your products. Many people don’t realize that even small pieces of these machines can break and cost a high amount of money to fix. Proper cleaning and upkeep will go a long way in reducing your costs and headaches in the future.