Preparing an emergency first aid kit
Being prepared when an accident or disaster strikes is very important in order to survive. You don’t know when and where it will occur, so it’s better if you plan and prepare yourself in advance. Tragedies happen and not being able to prepare for them can lessen your chances of survival. So, before something disastrous happens, act now. One way to prepare yourself is by knowing the essential items that need to be on hand, items that belong in your emergency first aid kit.
In this day and age, you really need to have your emergency first aid kit close at hand. Although having an emergency first aid kit is not a guarantee that you will not need professional medical help at least it can alleviate simple concerns such as minor cuts, bruises, or burns and some situations temporarily until you can get professional medical help.
What is important to know about having an emergency first aid kit? First, you need to make sure that items are safely put in a well contained kit which is kept well within your reach but out of the reach of young children. You should have one at home, in your car and in your office so that when accidents do happen, there will be one to come in handy. You can choose to make your own kit or you can buy one from the pharmacy as they have a ready-to-go first aid kit.
The following are some of the important items you can put in your emergency kit
- For simple cuts and abrasions – sterile adhesive bandages (different sizes)
- To hold a splint or a dressing – hypoallergenic adhesive tapes
- To support a sore or sprained muscles – roller bandages
- Absorbent cotton and cotton tip swabs
- Thermometer
- Scissors to help cut the bandages.
- Eye drops and anti-itch cream or lotion for relief from insect bites or minor skin irritations
- Antibiotic ointments to prevent infection
- Bottled water to replenish lost fluid or dehydration
- Gloves for protection when performing emergency help
- Face mask to protect you against smoke or contaminants
- Phone numbers in case of emergency – relative, hospital, doctor etc.
- First Aid Guidebook.
Do not forget to keep a few indispensable medicines such as the following:
- Pain relievers such as aspirin, acetaminophen for headaches, joint pain, muscle pain and fever
- Cough medicines or decongestants
- Antihistamine for relief from itching or allergic reactions
- Diarrhea medication
- Stomach pain relievers
Be sure to read the label before taking or giving medicine to avoid any adverse effect. From time to time, check the expiration dates and replenish with new medicines as needed. Make sure everyone in the house knows where the emergency kit is stored. Having all these items in your kit makes you more ready, calm and panic free in case something happens.