One of the most popular and well-loved traditions in America is the celebrating of Thanksgiving. This is one holiday where religion and cultural diversity is seldom an issue. Being thankful is universal in its meaning, and most people welcome the opportunity to come together and celebrate the many ways they can be thankful. As November comes in the fall and the story around the first Thanksgiving tells about Pilgrims and Native Americans enjoying a meal together in thanksgiving for each other’s friendship, the theme for getting a home ready revolves around fall leaves, corn, pumpkins, turkey, sweet potatoes cranberry sauce, and pie (often pumpkin).
Decorating a home is fun. Children and adults can work together to decide on what to use for decorations. Dollar stores offer many inexpensive options for decorating, including theme-appropriate tableware such as tablecloths, napkins, plates, and cups. However, if your children enjoy the art they can use a variety of art media to decorate plain napkins, plates, and cups. A plain tablecloth, such as a white sheet, can be signed and decorated by all who attend the celebration. Flowers can be fresh or artificial, as can be the beautiful fall leaves.
Colors for decorating a home for Thanksgiving are red, brown, orange, yellow, and green. These colors can be used in all kinds of decorating, including containers, furniture throws, posters, flower and leaf arrangements, streamers, centerpieces, and tableware. People can dress using these colors as well.
Of course, the main character of Thanksgiving is Mr. Turkey. It is always a Mr. Turkey as he is the plump one with colorful tail feathers. Mrs. Turkey is plain. Again, the dollar store has a wide variety of inexpensive turkey decorations. However, children may enjoy making their own turkey decorations using a pinecone for the body with colorful paper cut-out tail feathers or even real feathers. A cardboard cutout of the head and waddle appropriately colored is tucked in the front of the pinecone. Another fun idea is to use a bright red apple for the turkey’s body. Fill toothpicks with raisins, a combination of black and yellow raising is fun, and use these for tail feathers. Keep one filled toothpick for the neck with a stuffed green olive for the head. Pull the red pimento filling out a bit to make the waddle. Turkey apples can later be eaten.
Food is likely what people look forward to the most. As mentioned above, turkey with all the trimmings is the traditional “feast.” However, in recent years many families have added their own traditional foods from their countries of origin. Being thankful can be done no matter what food is eaten. One of the best traditions surrounding Thanksgiving and food is the way most communities gather food to give to families who may not be able to celebrate with a feast of any kind. It is nice that many people who have much will share with those who have little. In itself, this fact makes many people thankful who otherwise may have little to be grateful for.
Over-all, the theme of Thanksgiving is one of joy and pleasure in appreciating all our many blessings. We in America should, if for no other reason, remember on Thanksgiving Day to be thankful we live in America with all the wonders, beauties, and opportunities this great land has to offer. Yes, truly we should be thankful on Thanksgiving, and in truth, on each and every day of our lives.