The year 2020 has been a difficult one and, in fact, continues to have its challenges. And yet, time marches on, and we find ourselves quickly approaching the annual holiday season, so looked forward to and enjoyed by most. Even for those folks who find the holiday season difficult, there is usually a sense of renewal and hope for a better future. While many people continue working from home, there are still many commercial spaces open to the public. Perhaps, more than in other years, it is important for those responsible for the care and decorating of commercial spaces to take the time not only to make sure commercial spaces are correctly sanitized and safe for users but also that these spaces are spruced up for the holidays. Prior to decorating, a commercial area should consider extra details such as having windows and carpets cleaned and floors stripped and freshly rewaxed. Walls, doors, and all display areas can usually benefit from a pre-holiday spruce-up. Many commercial cleaning companies offer holiday specials, which makes using professional cleaners an even bigger plus.
Once the elements of cleanliness and continued sanitation precautions have been put in place, it is time to think about how to make your commercial spaces uplifting during the holiday season. As present-day culture embraces many ethnic and religious backgrounds, it is important to honor the season without focusing on one particular group.
The holiday of Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays to focus on the ability of all people to be thankful. Sometimes it seems there is little to be thankful for, but each day has its ray of sunshine, no matter how small. The smile of a child, alone flower among weeds, enough water to drink even if it is from a public fountain, and the very fact you live in the United States of America are reasons to be thankful. Within a commercial space, there can be splashes of the colors of fall, orange, brown, yellow, and red. These can be displayed in many ways such as pictures, displays of fall leaves and flowers, artfully draped curtains, and signs of welcome. Depending on the size of the areas to be spruced-up will determine what decorations will work, but big or small, there can be evidence of welcome and thankfulness.
Shortly following Thanksgiving is the holiday traditionally termed “Christmas” with its colors of red and green and its trees brightly lighted and decorated. Many commercial establishments utilize these traditional means of decoration, but it has become more and more common to now embrace other cultural celebrations happening during December, such as Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Being sensitive to all cultures is important in commercial spaces, and often pictures, foods, and music can be either neutral or representative of different beliefs. The main goal of December celebrations should be acceptance for all and a spirit of rejoicing.
Finally comes the ringing in of the New Year. Once again, this celebration can be cultural such as the emphasis the Chinese put on the coming of the New Year. Overall, however, welcoming in the New Year can be done with bright colors, wishes for happiness and good things to come, and enjoying family and friends on the days given over to celebration. Certainly, this year coming up, we all want a better year than the one coming to a close.
Celebrating the holiday season within commercial spaces is important. People need people not only for making money or getting the help of some kind but for the very fact of feeling good about themselves. All commercial spaces can if they will generate a sense of welcoming, especially in the holiday season coming up. And, the extra cleaning and sanitizing done during these holiday times, whether by individuals or professionals, will benefit all.